I'm migrating my CEF1 handlers to CEF3. CEF1 had CefRequestHandler::OnBeforeBrowse(), where returning false would prevent the browser from navigating away. In CEF3, there's CefRenderProcessHandler::OnBeforeNavigation(), but that's being called in the context of my CefApp class, which doesn't generally know anything about the specific browser instance in my app (i.e. it doesn't know if the navigation is allowed or not). Then there's CefRequestHandler::OnBeforeResourceLoad(), but I'm unclear if that's a more general method which gets called for all kinds of things while loading a page. What's the proper way to prevent a single browser instance from navigating away? EDIT: It does indeed look like CefRequestHandler::OnBeforeResourceLoad() is called for all resources on a single page. Is there a way to just outright deny any navigation whatsoever?
Any help will be apprecited.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Thank you.