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Apr 04, 2018
In Get Started with Your Forum
Hi, I'm migrating my CEF1 handlers to CEF3. CEF1 had CefRequestHandler::OnBeforeBrowse(), where returning false would prevent the browser from navigating away. In CEF3, there's CefRenderProcessHandler::OnBeforeNavigation(), but that's being called in the context of my CefApp class, which doesn't generally know anything about the specific browser instance in my app (i.e. it doesn't know if the navigation is allowed or not). Then there's CefRequestHandler::OnBeforeResourceLoad(), but I'm unclear if that's a more general method which gets called for all kinds of things while loading a page. What's the proper way to prevent a single browser instance from navigating away? EDIT: It does indeed look like CefRequestHandler::OnBeforeResourceLoad() is called for all resources on a single page. Is there a way to just outright deny any navigation whatsoever? Any help will be apprecited. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: Bitcoin Animation Video Thank you.
Apr 04, 2018
In Discover Awesome Features
Hi, I'm working on a layout that has a DFN-16/3x5x0.5 componant (from a diptrace library that came with the software) - this pattern has a central thermal pad, connected to GND. A number of the pin in this componat also need to be connected to Gnd, I'm trying to place a track from these pads to the thermal pad in the centre. The problem is that diptrace wants to snap the track from the pad to the centre point of the gnd pad - the angle is therfore more accute the further from the centre the pin is located. All I wish to do is have the shortest track to connect with the centre pad. Can anyone offer any insight into how this might be done? Any help will be apprecited. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: Blockchain Business Opportunities Thank you.
Apr 04, 2018
In Stand Out From the Crowd
Hi, I'm fairly new to fusion. I was hoping to use a bitmap particle emitter to generate a crowd. I've just finished the shoot with five actors (each with multiple costumes) and 6 takes of different movements per costume change. In short a reasonable amount to work with. My main problem/query Is there a way to randomise the starting point of the input clips (to offset them) without this updating a random number every frame. I'm also bit surprised that the particle emitter accepts only one bitmap sequence input. Am I using the wrong tool for the job? Any help will be apprecited. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: Blockchain Use Cases Thank you.
Apr 04, 2018
In Do It All From Your Phone
Hi, Damn I hate Apple and it's pushing users into using things like iMessage which seem to be the major issue here. So I've got an office where they are attempting to group message. 4-5 out of the 6 people are using some form of iPhone, some as old as the iPhone 4s I believe, but all the way up to the iPhone 6+. One of the users has an AT&T Samsung Note 5, and is extremely happy with it. When attempting to send group messages they run into issues where iMessage doesn't let them add the Android user because he isn't an iMessage registered user. Some of the Apple users were able to receive the messages from the Android user as a group text, while others don't get it. Then some of the iPhone users won't get other iPhone users messages properly in group, some of which will get them as individual SMS direct messages. What gives!? In 2016 I can't believe text messaging is so broken. Of course I'd blame Apple's inclusion of trying to force iMessage down peoples throats and being such a walled garden to not allow messages to pass to/from android users easier considering it is a standard Apple didn't create (MMS). Is there an easy solution to this problem? The owner just wants to blame the Android phone, even when the Android user was received fine at times and sent to fine. They are seriously considering getting him an iPhone as a fix which I don't think will do anything to resolve the problem in the long run, and would be a terrible "fix" to buy an entirely different phone when the user really likes his Note 5. "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." Any help will be apprecited. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: Blockchain Application Examples Thank you.
Mar 30, 2018
In Do It All From Your Phone
Hi, I need some burst coins to get started with mining. I’m not sure how many i need to get started but any help will be greatly appreciated. Please help. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: 3D Explainer Thanks
Mar 30, 2018
In Get Started with Your Forum
Hi, I have heard lots of ways to making money but i have no idea how do i start?. i would be very happy to if some one could help me out. Please help. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: Startup Explainers Thanks
Mar 30, 2018
In Stand Out From the Crowd
Hi, We are planning our family trip and are flexible in June. We originally planned for the week beginning after Memorial day thinking many kids will still be in school, but according to your crowd calendar, the crowds seem to be going down as the month of June progresses?! This is different from many other popular crowd calendars. We are stuck trying to decide between the weeks of May 27, June 3, or June 10. Is there really a vast difference in crowds? What about weather? Please help. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: Cloud Explainer Thanks
Mar 30, 2018
In Stand Out From the Crowd
Hi, I’ve been following crowds this spring trying to figure out when to go next spring between Feb 24 and April 29. Last week crowds seemed higher than predicted. But not today! Wonder why? Please help. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: Video Explainers Thanks
Feb 20, 2018
In Get Started with Your Forum
Hello all, I've realized that everything in my active system is configured for 0 dBFS = +24 dBu I then realized I don't have any particular rationale for 'why', just what I've standardized on. What do you use and why? Thank you I did not find the right solution from the internet. References: Campus Management Video


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